Frequently Asked Questions...
What is square dancing?
Square dancing is America's folk dance, and the official dance of 17 states, including Virginia and Maryland. It has its roots in older dance forms including the polka, jig, minuet, reel, and quadrille. The dances are not memorized; instead, the dancers follow the instructions of a caller. Square dances consist of successive standard movements choreographed by the caller. Music is not limited to country/western, but can include old favorites, folk songs, show tunes, and current hits.
What are some of the benefits of square dancing?
As exercise, it's a great way to get a cardiovascular workout; as a form of socializing, you can meet in a stress-free, smoke-free, and alcohol-free environment. Club members feel a special fellowship toward one another and often develop lasting friendships that span both in and out of square dancing.
Do I need experience?
No, we will teach you everything you need to know. People who have never danced before are invited to join us at one of our open houses to give square dancing a try and at beginning square dance classes. Most of us knew nothing about square dancing before joining the group. Some of us swore that we had "two left feet" and couldn't dance at all! We remember what it was like for us when we were learning. Therefore, the teaching is gentle, encouraging, supportive, and fun.
Who dances which "part"?
You decide which part you would like to dance. In traditional square dancing, the couples are always male/female, and each gender performs the calls in a specific way. In gay square dancing, however, men dance with men, women dance with women, men dance with women, and women often lead!
Must I bring a partner?
No, you don't have to, but you may. Both singles and couples are welcome.
Who can dance?
Anyone and everyone! Our membership is open to all adults: gay, lesbian, or straight, we'd love to have you join us. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else.
Do I need a costume or special clothing?
No particular costume is required for gay square dancing. Formal dances and conventions will find dancers in manners of casual wear to formal country clothing to fancy drag, and anything in between. Weekly dances you'll find shorts or jeans as well as people coming straight from work.